Cubase and LM4 as trigger


New member
Hi everyone, I hope you can help. I was wondering if it was possible to use the LM4 as a drum trigger. I am doing a re-mix for a friend and the kiks sound like poo! Can i take the original kik track and send it thru the LM4 and record it on a new track? (similar to using an alesis DM5?) if so, can you please explain how i would go about doing this? Thanx as usual for all your help.

If you find out, let me know. I'm curious to know if this is possible as well. Some type of software that would do a search and replace in a wav file and hit's above xx dB.
Hi Emeric,

I have posted this question on a few forums and thought you may be interested to see 1 particular reply.
Go to for windows.
You will see the same post and a gentleman named bas replied with an interesting way of doing it.

I agree that it would be cool to find a software version of say, a DM5 drum module , something that would take your exsisting track and convert it the same way. Obviously, for what I need to do i should just rent a dm5 and output the track through it but as usual with our little hobby, Money Talks!!!
Are the original tracks midi? If so, you may be able to change the midi patch of the bad drums to LM-4.

For instance, what I do because I have some latency problems when recording VST instruments is record the drum sample with a basic midi drum kit & then change the midi information (patch & bankname) to the LM-4. It works like a charm. The caveat is that the kick drum has to match the kick in VST etc. There is documentation on drum tracks & on this issue specifically in the "getting into details" portion of the Cubase 5 help files. Hope this helps
thanx for the response but no, they are not midi drums.

The band is pretty hardcore metal and all tracks are real audio. An alesis dm5 (as a regular example) is a peice of out board gear that will actually change the sound as it is "triggered" by the incoming audio. I was hoping to be able to find a software drum module that would do the same as it is becoming more and more apparent that i will just have to buy a dm5 when i can and put this project on hold until such time.