Cubase and Alesis MulMix 16 USB 2.0


New member
I realize that this is probably a ridiculous question, but I'm super new at all of this, so please be gentle.

I'm trying to set up Cubase LE 4 to run with my Alesis MultiMix 16 USB 2.0 mixer. I downloaded the Cubase LE 4 Mixer Setup Guide PDF file, but I'm having problems with one of the steps getting it set up.

"Control surface setup

Cubase uses the "Mackie Control" protocol to communicate with the MasterControl. This configuration must be set up before the MasterControl's control surface will begin to work.

1. Ensure that the "Cubase / Nuendo" preset is selected via the MasterControl's LCD screen."

How do I do that?? I'm not sure what the MasterControl LCD screen is. I realize this is probably something really simple and obvious, but I'm just not quite sure. Thanks in advance, and sorry for the dumb question.
The mackie control surface is a separate piece of equipment - you don't have it and you don't need it.

just install the Alesis driver for your system then route the inputs via the VST connections.