Cubase 5-pop and click question


New member
Hey there,

I'm using Cubase 5, and I have one quick question (for now!).

Ok, here is the situation. I am recording some tracks (guitar and bass). And as well all know occasionally there will be a missed note while playing-or maybe I prefer the way any other chorus sounds etc.

Anyways, when I cut/copy and paste a different chorus (for example) over a pre-existing section (quite often I will remove this section before pasting over top), often there will be a small pop or click that occurs.

Is there any way to eliminate this pop/click?

I know how to 'blow up' the view of the sound wave in the sample editor, and make sure that it is a coninuous sound wave using the drawing tool. Sometime this isn't enough.

anyways, if anyone has any advise on how to cut and paste without pops and clicks happening it would be appreciated.