cubase 5 playback crackle


New member
Been working with this few hours now, and can't find a way to fix this problem. Been reading in forums about similar problems, but didn't find solution.

First I thought it's only a problem with MIDI and VST instruments, but it comes also when I open wav and listening that (in Cubase only). So, every 1 second sound is cutting and crackling. Strange thing is that, this was still working yesterday - but today not at all. I've been restarting Windows (7), but doesn't work. Computer is new, i5 processor with 4GB RAM, so shouldn't be problem with memory.
I am using simple soundcard: Aureon 5.1 USB.
EDIT - VST audio System: ASIO DirectX Full Duplex Driver
Direct Sound OUTPUT: SPDIF / USB Audio
Direct Sound INPUT: SPDIF / USB Audio

I've been changing the buffer size in Device Setup / Control Panel, but it's not helping.

What should I do ???
I tried another soundcard of my friend: TASCAM US-122L, and now the sound works.
A bit strange, that yesterday Cubase was still working with my soundcard... and earlier with less good PC and Cubase LE4 without problems.
Not sure even, if my soundcard would work again some day with Cubase 5 or not.
I had this problem alot with my tascam! It was old but may be relevant to you. I found that the drivers were not very good and things would interrupt them at times and I would have to reinstall drivers AFTER cleaning them off my computer. Try that.