Cubase 5 connection HELP asap!


New member
I have a big problem..
I am supposed to record my drummer tomorrow but all of a sudden I can not access my VST Connections under the devices in Cubase 5

I click on it and nothing happens..
I press f4 and nothing happens... I cant even access it and it driving me crazy. :mad:
I can access everything else under the device tab but not that.

I have no idea why it started doing this and I could use some help.

Like delete all of my Preferences? Srry Im a noob at this stuff.. I just got cubase. But I have reinstalled cubase twice and it does the same thing. Thanks for the help :).
Hmmm......Well trashing prefs wont do anything then. I am only guessing here, but what is your selected soundcard? Do you have up to date drivers for it?
The driver I have selected is a presonus firestudio project. I have done the latest update for it. Even when I select any of the other drivers.. like Directx Full Duplex Driver It still wont let me select it.. it is very weird :/.