Cubase 4 vs Cubase Studio 4


New member
Im thinking of buying cubase studio 4 after using SX2 for a long time.
Is it worth changing?

Is Studio 4 a step down from SX2?

Are the main advantages of Cubase 4 over studio 4 purely in its midi capabilities?

I mostly work with audio so this isn't a problem if so.

Just looking for user opinions really.

Also I have a PC desktop and I'm buying a macbook, is it the same disk to install cubase on a mac as PC or do you need to buy a mac version or a PC version?

I assume its legal to install software you have paid for on two of your machines?


I'm not exactly sure about studio vs cubase 4, but I use SL which is pretty muchh the same as Studio. I find SL very usable, the only thing I miss is the ability to use external FX and the phase reversal button on the mixer. I don't use midi or surround, so not an issue for me.

The software is dongle protected so you would have to move the dongle to the other workstation for it to work. I do it between my desktop and laptop all the time, just don't loose the dongle. Install for PC and mac is on the same disc.
Thanks for the responses.

The only thign I'm not sure about is external effects.

What does that actually mean?

I have drumagog, is that an external effect?

Does it mean you can only run the plugins supplied with it?

I believe he means that you cannot connect your hardware effects with studio 4. I'm sure someone will correct me if that's wrong.
No Drumagog is not external, and it works great w/ cubase (SL, studio, or 4). What I mean is that SX/4 has a delay compensation where it pings the device (compressor, or reverb unit) and adjusts to compensate for the delay.

No you can use all the plug-ins you want.
I have Cubase 4 and it rocks. I was using Cubase sx and believe me Cubase 4 is quite a bit better. You can use any external effect you want but if you want to use a lot of them make sure you have a good effects card so you don't eat all your CPU power.
Cubase SX3 also offers the external effects loop that Cubase 4 does. As far as having a good effects card, this would really have nothing to do with the external effects sends. The external sends are used so that Cubase can address and take advantage of outboard equipment, meaning rack gear and not other plugins. Software based effects be it native Steinberg or third party are addressed internally.