Crunchy Guitars


New member
Hey when i record my metal distorted guitar through a Line in on my mixer it comes out crunchy. I dont know why it is doing this. When i record a microphone to an amp at good levels it doesnt come out as good. Can someone help me.

Its on this myspace here the song is called crunchy
It would be amazing if anyone could help me..

just put it up it will be there in like 5 mins
Your using a distortion pedal directly into your mixer?

The amp and speakers will take the signal you feed into it and "color" the sound. The line input on your mixer takes exactly what it hears.

It sounds very distorted, is the gain on the mixer up too high? Is the input clipping?

If not I would suggest turning down the distortion or mic'ing an amp. I'm not sure exactly what kind of help your asking for, you don't like either line in or mic'ing?
ok i guess i should stick to micing the amp but can someone give me tips on how it should be done.
For example -
The Distance fromt he mic to the amp
The Volume of the amp
The Decibol of the fader
Should i E.Q. it?
The Gain on the mixer?
and the enviornment im recording the amp in.
Dude - do a search for "recording electric guitar" on this site or research on the internet.
There is a ton of info on this that has already been talked about a million times. Either that or try being creative and experiment a little bit...

Very tempted to give you bad reps (but i wont - looks like you already got enough) just for being so damn lazy. Jeezus .:rolleyes:
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