Crudely Simple Iso Booth for Vocals.. Please Help


Okay, this will probably sound funny.

I've got a pretty nice house that I like to actually look nice. I've got a home studio that I want to make good recordings in. I've got a dedicated bedroom where the "control room" is. I do most of my mic'd tracking in my office, which I want to look like an office when I'm not tracking. So studio foam on the walls is not an option.

So here's my crude DIY idea: I build a simple wood frame square to hang blankets or something off of. Basically this thing will be just big enough for me and my mic on a boom stand. From each corner of the frame I will have a cable that goes up to one hook that attaches to a J-hook on the ceiling.

So when I want the office to look like an office again, I just take down the hanging canopy thing and the only thing left is the small hook that stays in the ceiling.

Has anyone done anything like this? Any suggestions on WHAT to hang off of the frame? Is there a better idea that won't cost a fortune? I could use some free standing panels, but I know these will take more time and money to build..

I bought an SE electronics reflexion filter & I think they are great

an office as it where, I'd imagine to be pretty well lined with books, folders, papers galore & a lot of these round the walls???????????

I think you need your reflexion filter yesterday, in conjuction with a quilt behind the RF screen should produce damn good results
The iso booth you mentioned would definately help you out. It might be better though to not make it square, or rectangular as these shapes invite standing waves. Try and make it an irregular shape with no two parrallel sides. Basically the thickest heaviest blanket you can find would be the best bet. Also, unless you want to sing in the dark, your going to need a lamp or something in there.

As for free standing pannels, yes these probably would take more time and money to build, but, building things is FUN! lol....

I'm looking at building some pannels using a simple wood frame and some rigid fibreglass that I can attach to a mic stand. Theres plans for these sort of things online. The search button is your best friend.
SE REFLEXION buy for a long time

crumbs did I say that out loud again.......................
that reflexion filter seems pretty expensive.. Only seen it FS overseas. Maybe when I'm done buying everything I need gear-wise I'll consider that.
undermind said:
that reflexion filter seems pretty expensive.. Only seen it FS overseas. Maybe when I'm done buying everything I need gear-wise I'll consider that.

I was going to spend quite a lot on making a vocal iso booth, that would have been rooted to the spot............................I like ultimate mobility........................& in the long run I feel it was worth it for the improvement in my recorded vocal sound

BTW I'm crap with my hands etc etc & the RF looks so professional.................I got it for £180

& I've used it for recording everything................................cos everything is a great instrument :D