

I spent an hour tonight wondering why I couldnt get Cube to crossfade. Then I did one in the editor and it took.
I thought you could do one on the main track screen..???You can cut and move chunks around ok....why cant you crossfade there?? Can the editor cover the whole screen?? it would be much better..
Is there a way to have your crossfades show in a different color ????
Should the settings be power or gain????
any tips on this subject appreciated..
CubeAI 10.5
Crossfade on the timeline is easy. You have two clips. Make them overlap in the region where you want the crossfade. Select both clips by holding the Shift key and clicking on the tracks. Then hit the X to make the crossfade. Oh, be sure to turn off the Snap function so you can set the overlap.

Turn off Snap to Grid

Set an overlap.

I don't use much here, but it depends on what you're doing.

Highlight both tracks

Hit the X on your keyboard.
To add to the above.

Hit x again and it will give you the fade window where you can customise the length of the cross fade as well as change other perameters.
when you say timeline... are you referring to the edit screen view or the regular tracks view..??? in otherwords are you saying you CAN
crossfade in the non edit screen?
Cubase calls it the Project Window. You can call it the regular track view. But yes, from that window, not the editor.
Yep - the main screen - you can also put in the usual fade by dragging the top of the waveform bar to create a fade in or out, then lay them over each other hit x. Any way usually works I tend to do it manually, overlaying and tweaking till it sounds right, then only pressing X when it's right. You can cntrl-z to undo it of course,
then I got a problem with my Cube. Cause it will NOT work in the project screen...ONLY the edit screen. What do you make of that?
x or command x doesnt do anything. But when I overlap I get the straight up and down stitches on the side. When I do a crossfade
the stitches are slanted and when you mouse over you see the white crossfade lines..
Look at the can see how the stitches are stright up and down on one pic, then I deleted a section and moved the right section over and overlapped and it shows slanted stitches but no crossfade when I mouse over...Screen Shot 2020-04-11 at 1.08.47 PM.webpScreen Shot 2020-04-11 at 1.05.49 PM.webpScreen Shot 2020-04-11 at 1.08.25 PM.webp
look at these pics from the editor and see the slanted lines. When I mouse over I see the crossfade lines. But the other pics from the event
screen are just short dashes straight up and down.....Screen Shot 2020-04-11 at 1.21.56 PM.webp
I don't see where you have any of the clips highlighted. The X isn't going to work unless you select the two overlapping clips.

The stitch area means there is one clip on top of the other, but they are not crossfaded. In the pic here, I have almost a whole measure of overlap. That's way more than I usually do, but I did it here for you to see.


Select one clip.


Select the other. Hold the SHIFT key while selecting.


Hit the X. It's that simple.

You don't get the slanted fade in fade out lines but you DO get the crossfade.

If you hover over the join you get the crossfade


  • Screenshot 2020-04-13 at 19.20.30.webp
    Screenshot 2020-04-13 at 19.20.30.webp
    42 KB · Views: 1
You don't get the slanted fade in fade out lines but you DO get the crossfade.

If you hover over the join you get the crossfade

honestly guys it still isnt working in the event screen and I know how to do it at this point...I might have corrupted my edit files when I did a 2 hour slow download of AI. But I am not going to worry about it because it works in the editor
and also the more I get to know this DAW I like it but I really dont plan on doing a lot of fine edits. Its not my style.
And if I do I will do in editor. My focus now is getting better sound on my guitar and I might need some better VST for that.
I need a really superb delay and mono delay is NOT that. But my VST instruments sound awsome..some really good
sounds in Cube. SO much better than 20 years ago on a DAT deck.
OK, this could be an issue with your preferences. It hasn't happened to me in a couple years, but I have had ability to crossfade not work.

The possible solution is to trash/rebuild your preferences. Start in 'safe mode' to see if there is a corrupt preferences folder. It happens...

Click on this LINK and give it a try.
