Critiques wanted...


New member
Hey. I just got done recording and going through the first mixdown of a new song. I would like comments/opinions about the mix and balance of the song (if you have good headphones or studio speakers) as well as general suggestions about the song.

Here it is

Be patient with the song. It starts out with guitar and didgeridoo only. After 1:17, the main part of the song begins. I know some of the drums sound fake in some parts (like the beginning). It's supposed to be that way. If you get an error downloading, I think the server only allows 2 connections at a time. Anyways, thanks guys!
Very interesting, and cool intro. Tune is pretty cool. Seems to have quite a bit of bass in it. That is the only thing that might stand out, on my system. Vocals are pretty good. I like how they sit in the tune.
Cool song.
I like the intro part. The song isn't my kind of thing. I guess this is the kind of production that's typical for that genre... I'd prefer less compression and not as harsh of a high end, but I understand that's not usually what's done with this type of music. Here's something that's in a similar vein (not my work) that I think was recorded well, for comparison:
It's not as "in your face" close miked and compressed, and the guitars have more of a ribbon mic or tubey sounding high end.
Hey, I spent a day fine-tuning things a little. I managed to bring the highs down a little (not too much ;) ) and put a little more warmth into the vocals.

Abhorigines Mix 2

Do the vocals seem fine to everybody? Except for the laid back part in the middle of the song, there's not much FX on the voice. It seems to lack something to me, but when I put a little reverb or something on it, I just don't like it.
MIX2 - Wow - this is a metal tune and I can actually understand some of the the words! (lol) Usually its too gravely.... Mix is alright - everything pretty balanced and easy to hear. Good playing and singing all around - no problems with anything from me....
Ok, I've spent about as much time as I would like to on this song. The only thing I'm disappointed with is the guitar tone. I relied on a Line6 distortion instead of my Marshall's amplifier this time. I think that was a bad move. I'll crank up the volume and turn down the gain on the next song I believe. Or maybe I'll find a way to get the Line6's sound with the Marshall's amp tone and it'll sound saweet. Anyways, any last comments before the song stays like this permanently?

Final Mix - The Abhorigines

I added a little tad of reverb to the bass drum and I was really impressed with the improvement. And of course I played with little things here and there.