Critique please.


New member
Hi everybody,

Looking for some friendly (or not so friendly) critiques on a work in progress... This song is pretty raw in it's current form, i.e. no bass, a drum track that's there, but just there to keep time. and a fairly vacant mid break that could probably use some creative exploration. guitar solo? keyboard solo? your thoughts...?

Please let me know what you think of the mix at this point.

SoundClick artist: S Kaestner - page with MP3 music downloads

thx -S
I don't understand why you would want a critique on this. It's not done. I could see putting up a rough mix after everything is tracked but there's no way we could know what ideas you are trying to express through this. Also, IMO, your tracking process is backwards. I usually have everything else done before I begin cutting vocals. How are you gonna get an exciting vocal track singing to what sounds like a toy keyboard?
The vocals are way too low - bring those up a few db's and get them out front. Right now the keyboard is the focal point. Lot's you can do with the solo part. That can be a project all it's own. It's coming along. Do some layers now to give it some variety. Are you going to program your drums or get a real drummer?
Sounds like an good start. I agree with the above that the keyboard is too loud and the vocals are too low currently, but I think the toy keyboard gives the song an interesting base in an Eels/Grandaddy kind of way.

I wouldn't go adding any solo's in that mid section, I'd just be tempted to keep the instruments as they are and fuck about with the rhythm on the percussion. I know you haven't done the drums properly yet, but I'd break down whatever beat you've got going and get some breaks in or even just make the percussion really sparse there before it comes back in for the verse - that could give you the interest and texture for that part, but I really don't think there's any call for a solo in the song.

Hope this helps!
I like the idea and melody, its very hard to critique without a bass line. Post with bass and louder vocals.
Man, I haven't heard anything from you in a while. I think I tried to do a bass track for you at one point - I later realized it kinda sucked, so sorry about that...

I do very much like what you have so far. Keep the keyboard exactly as is, bring the vocals way up and then go to town. I'd love to hear some big, trashy, roomy sounding drums that alternate with a more sedate sound at different sections of the piece. Just what I'm imagining anyway. I would probably keep the bass fairly simple just as an anchor of sorts.

Really like the vocals here - just wish I could hear 'em better! Please post any future incarnations.