Critique on tv/film music please


New member
I did this album mainly for tv/film soundtrack work and wanted to get some feedback. It's about 75% complete and still needs a few vocals and other things added to it.
I'm mainly just looking for a quick impression of what ya think.
Additional vocals by Imaginary Band are gonna be added later as well as futuristic artwork by 4thORder.
The theme behind the album is space travel, new planets, finding artifacts, robots, love and relationships and a suprise at the end when the artifacts turn out to be something they're not.
(ie, try to imagine visuals as you listen cause I've left a lot of the music kinda bare so it doesn't interfere with the action on the screen.

Many thanks for anybody willing to take time to help.

Drum machines...

I only listened to the first track (slow connection today). I tried to imagine this without the tinny drum machine, concentrating on the interesting and transitional instrumental passages and ambient effects and liked it a lot more.
Since you've obviously spent some time creating a nice sounding instrumental section, it would have been nice to have heard a less-conventional sounding percussion section, perhaps even including some 'treated' real sounds for more 'unearthly' effect.

Of course, you may have done this on other tracks, so this comment may not even apply.
i listened to a few of these mp3s.

Its fairly good writing.

The electronic sounds youve used for the most part sound cheap to me.

Id recomend getting some sounds with a larger bit rate behind them.
more dense and lush ya know?
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I think it's very well put together. I'm in to hiphop music, but I could really feel some of these instruemntals playing in the back ground of movies, shows, etc. LOL, your credits track sounded just like that. PM
xfinsterx said:
i listened to a few of these mp3s.

Its fairly good writing.

The electronic sounds youve used for the most part sound cheap to me.

Id recomend getting some sounds with a larger bit rate behind them.
more dense and lush ya know?

Any specific recomendations. I used the best I could find on the market, including Abysnth and Halion. As well as ReCycle, ReBirth and Pro-52.

Is there better stuff available?
ok kewl...
I was just curious what you guys are using to listen to the stuff on.
ie, small computer speakers or a home stereo system.
I mixed most of those tunes so they'd play well through a high end system with subs etc... or through headphones turned up real loud.
The drums are a mixture of acid loops, Cubase LM-4, Battery and real drums.... so the 'tinny drums' comment has me slightly confuddled. I changed over from using totally real drums on tunes like these ones...

... cause everybody said they sounded like a cheesy drum machine.

Now I'm really confused.
Is there a drum machine available that'll give me a good 'quality' pro sound to it?
At first I was kinda thinking the same thing about the fakey drum sound, but I listened to a lot of your other tracks and the drums aren't so bad, so I'm kind assuming you're going for a punchy, surreal snare/hats in that first track. However, on the first track, that gong hit at 1:52 sounds really bad. Also, a lot of stuff seems to get lost in the bass, but I suspect with a theater system it shouldn't be so bad (I'm listening on a pretty decent computer system with a sub).

I kinda skipped around for the rest, so here's some random comments:
-Fginst sounds pretty cheesy, 80's style. :p
-I like the intro buildup a lot in Robofactory.
-I thought Stargate was really neat, and all the little underlying sounds are really cool.
-The guitar that comes in on 3:10 on Stargate seems a little strong... just a tad bit too bassy maybe?
-Did I mention Stargate rocks?
-I could totally see Rocksplosion in an awesome action scene in a movie, and I LOVE the channel effects you did with that one
-Sydneybeach seemed a little empty, but that might work well with whatever is going on on the screen
-I didn't really like Escape from New York... don't know why, just didn't, sorry :p
-The bass hits on Last Thought sounded a bit lo-fi

All in all though, all of it sounded really good, and I like it a lot. It's hard to envision exactly how it'll work without the visuals, but still pretty neat, keep up the good stuff!
Track 3 on the list

I just got to track three on the list and it sounds fantastic, I'll let you know what I think of the others.
Your music

Skipped four, there was an error on 5, But storm live was again excellent. Frankly your production is far more accomplished than mine. I'll comment on any others that catch my ear.