Critique on catchy (?) metal

This has a cool old school metal vibe. The rhythm guitars are eating up most of your mix space. I am having alot of trouble hearing the kick drum. The bass isn't really poking through on my monitors either.
NIce lead guitar playing. The drum performance seemed kind of sub-dued but maybe its the low volume bugging me? I think the song would have rocked a little harder with a harder hitting drum track. Vocals aren't bad either.
It sounds like you got descent sounds tracking, maybe just work on the seperation and balancing some more?
Wireneck said:
This has a cool old school metal vibe. The rhythm guitars are eating up most of your mix space. I am having alot of trouble hearing the kick drum. The bass isn't really poking through on my monitors either.
NIce lead guitar playing. The drum performance seemed kind of sub-dued but maybe its the low volume bugging me? I think the song would have rocked a little harder with a harder hitting drum track. Vocals aren't bad either.
It sounds like you got descent sounds tracking, maybe just work on the seperation and balancing some more?
Thanks for the advice. I just write the drum track in Cubase and run it through ns-kit's drums as a VST instrument. In other words I don't separate the different drums, which of course would give me more freedom to work with levels.

wow that's pretty cool. reminds me of helloween (a few albums back). I really dig the solos - you are a great lead player. I like the vocals, fits the song. The rhythm guitars sound a little "direct-recorded" on my office speakers. I need to hear it in my car to give a better listen.
det gar nog bast att skriva pa engelska--
great song! try filtering the midrange in all guitar tracks at a higher frequency (sweep from 200Hz though 1kHz to evaluate what the appropriate attenuation and filter curve may be) as it will allow the low end drum sound to cut through the mix more... even the lead guitar tracks could use a significant cut--if you solo those tracks and bring the filter up progressively you'll see that nothing in useful harmonic content is lost while the kick and the body of the snare (upon disengaging the guitar solo) are more present.
in the future isolating the drum sounds would be a good idea, as it allows for far more control in frequency/amplitude. also, a narrow-Q high end boost in a discrete kick drum track helps in the transient attack's presence. snare too, though i generally focus more on a full and dark sound as opposed to a sharp and flat SMACK!
it seems as though some eq work would make your great track fucking killer--of course, that's simply my take on it...
om du vill kan lystna pa en av det sista skivor jag jobbade pa...edited, sequenced, mixed, manipulated...forlat, jag kan inte sa mycket svenska...det kallas lurker of chalice och har slappts ut pa total holocaust records i sverige. killen spelade allt in i en tascam mk4 igenom en guitar pod och roland vdrums. jag tog alla cassette och spelade dom in till min dator igenom ett motu2408. efterat var alting gort i nuendo2, utom nar skivan var mastered...
Vocals remind me a bit of King Diamond....very cool. Drums seem a bit buried by the guitars, as wireneck stated. Could use a bit more overall bass. Cool tune though. I really like it.