critique my weekend's work.

im not a rocker, but i like this very much

guitar sits nice within the mix, the snare sounds like it has a channel delay to the right which aggrivates me but do-able, i find the bass kick to be lacking detail, i really like those hats! that drummer has nice foot control on the change ups, i love the sound of double bass, it almost seems as though the song is overprocessed, sound as though it has too much compression and eq

remember more is not always better, would love to hear a new mixed version
if your willing to send me the individual tracks i'll mix them for u free of charge

-very nice overall
Everything sounded flat to me. But Im listening with cans. Im my opinion all instruments need eq'd. The tune was fine itself.
Sounds pretty good to me. Snare might be a bit too loud for my taste. However, I'm listening only my crappy PC speakers, so take any and all of my comments with a grain of salt.

Would love to hear some vocals over top of this...
It definately sounds very flat like it was just tracked and not processed (in total contradiction to what decipha was saying!)

Snare needs work I think and the guitars could do with added clarity. But the makings of it are definately there.. Nice kick drum sound, could maybe add a touch of hhigh to cut through the click.
thanks for the listen guys.

yeah this was definitely a "wham bam, i'm outta here" deal.

my son's the drummer, and we caught his kit (pearl) using the glyn john's setup but using sdc's instead of ldc's, a snare mic and a "speaker" mic in front of the kick.
i also added a kick sample using the speaker mic track to trigger. (that was a trip! thought i'd never get that thing to track right.)

and yes the guitars are all direct in. josh showed up with a pod floor model. i think it was an xt live. he had a saldono (sp?) model that he liked to use so that's what we tracked. we double tracked the guitars and i caught a dry track of each pass using the jcm900 plugin on those panning them opposite and mixing them just under the other.

the bass was direct into my 24/8 mackie and run through a free bass amp plugin i found.
helion i thinks its called. i thought it did a decent job for me.

there's compression on the drums and on the master channel, but that's it.

there's almost no eq. (didn't have time) i got my mackie earlier this year and this is the first time i've tracked a lot of stuff through it. i'm liking the way stuff sounds. pretty natural and clear compared to what i used before. ( i won't use the "B" word here.)

anyways, thanks again for the listen. any other comments are welcome.

thanks for the listen guys.

yeah this was definitely a "wham bam, i'm outta here" deal.

my son's the drummer, and we caught his kit (pearl) using the glyn john's setup but using sdc's instead of ldc's, a snare mic and a "speaker" mic in front of the kick.
i also added a kick sample using the speaker mic track to trigger. (that was a trip! thought i'd never get that thing to track right.)

and yes the guitars are all direct in. josh showed up with a pod floor model. i think it was an xt live. he had a saldono (sp?) model that he liked to use so that's what we tracked. we double tracked the guitars and i caught a dry track of each pass using the jcm900 plugin on those panning them opposite and mixing them just under the other.

the bass was direct into my 24/8 mackie and run through a free bass amp plugin i found.
helion i thinks its called. i thought it did a decent job for me.

there's compression on the drums and on the master channel, but that's it.

there's almost no eq. (didn't have time) i got my mackie earlier this year and this is the first time i've tracked a lot of stuff through it. i'm liking the way stuff sounds. pretty natural and clear compared to what i used before. ( i won't use the "B" word here.)

anyways, thanks again for the listen. any other comments are welcome.


I new it was flat. I was beginning to think my ears were going bad
I agree with the flatness remark. Drums sound real good though. Guitars sound like they are "behind" the drums, which is odd. The guitar tone is okay but the quality of the distortion isn't as good as the tones that it is trying to mimic (are you using an amp modeler?) Pretty close though.

8/10, more if the guitar tones were better. It also needs some vocals.
Can you pop it onto somewhere that streams?
I don't download folks stuff unless I have some knowledge of them.
thanks for the comments guys. i'm gonna try to spend some time eq'ing later this week. i'll post a revised version when i'm done.

thanks for all the input. i appreciate your time.

thanks for the listen guys.

yeah this was definitely a "wham bam, i'm outta here" deal.

my son's the drummer, and we caught his kit (pearl) using the glyn john's setup but using sdc's instead of ldc's, a snare mic and a "speaker" mic in front of the kick.
i also added a kick sample using the speaker mic track to trigger. (that was a trip! thought i'd never get that thing to track right.)

musta been a lot of fun triggering the kick sample, what with all the kick frills and stuff! Yikes!