Creation/priduction software??


New member
I have been using reason 3.0 for some time but i want to try something new. What is a comparable program that is just as good if not better then reason. I use cubase sx3 as my sequencer So I would like the programs focus to be on the production and creation side not the sequencing and mixing side. Price limit is $600. Has anyone used sonar 5 producer edition? Is it good and is it what im looking for?? Thanks
doctornads said:
I use cubase sx3 as my sequencer So I would like the programs focus to be on the production and creation side not the sequencing and mixing side.
Eh? I would've said SX3 is a good program for production and creation. Is sequencing and mixing not creative? What exactly do you want, something that writes and arranges the music for you? :)
no something like Reason. With different synths and sounds effects etc. You know what I mean?? Something whitch a nice sound bank and all that.
Check out Project 5. It's got a couple of nice synths, a couple GB of samples and a thing called the Groove Matrix that lets you try out different arrangements on the fly. pretty cool