Creating Space in Cakewalk


New member

I've improved my recording chain to the point where my recording "studio" is showing its shortcomings. Namely that it's dead. There is nothing I can do about this in the short term (that is, if I want to stay married :rolleyes: ).

As an alternative, I think I can help the issue by using the Hall effect or reverb or something to create some "space" in the recordings. I've tried various setting but can get nothing that really suits me. I'm looking for a room sound that is somewhat live. Should I be looking at plug-ins for Cakewalk or am I just settings things wrong that already exist?

To give an example, I actually like the hall effect in the Fostex MR-8 but I cannot duplicate it in Cakewalk. The best I can do is rather thin sounding by comparison. This at least should give an idea of my jumping off point.

I have no problem spending a reasonable amount for a plug-in if that is necessary but I feel that I may just be doing something wrong in Cakewalk.

Thanks for the advice, Steve :D