creating mp3file and uploading to website.


New member
I have recorded a sample sound clip to put on my site. That much I'm pleased with, thanks to all the help. I am now trying to create an mp3 file to upload onto my site. I have no idea how, even after reading all the information. I'd be ever so grateful for a step by step. Thank you so much. Joan
More info re mp3 file and uploading to site

I thought I should mention that I'm recording on Cool Edit 2000 software. Joan

I'm not real familiar with Cool Edit. There are programs that can convert CD-audio files or .wav files to mp3 format. I use one called FreeRIP MP3. Maybe someone can give you a way to do it straight out of Cool Edit.

I made the mp3 just fine, my problem is uploading

Well, I guess my mp3 file is fine, also made a wav file. My problem is I don't seem to be able to upload either to Angelfire. where I have my site. Never an end to this, is there? Best, Joan
Uploading wav. or mp3 files

Hi Gridge:
Well, I signed up but have no idea where you upload! Do you get free space; where do you click on? Thanks.
The ideal thing is to be able to put the file on my own website, but it would do for the moment. Thanks. Joan
Yes. Your first 15Mb is free. After you have logged in, click on Artist Administration.

You should see a link to add music, upload music etc.

I was just there doing that this morning and can't even remember what the link looked like.
How do I hear the mp3?

Hi again Gidge:
Managed to get the clip uploaded, thank you, but can't find where I can play it.

I finally got the clip uploaded to my site. Cutting the size way down was the answer. Hope it still makes sense. Thanks all. Joan
God, Joan, I just have to say I checked your user profile, and I almost fell out of my chair when I saw your birth date. I hope when I'm your age, I'm still learning new things and tackling new challenges. God love you, I hope you're recording when you're 100-Richie
A matter of numbers

I almost fell off my too, Richie when I checked my profile. I had added ten extra years on myself - good grief, bad enough as it is. (smile.)
Hey Joan, it's sounding great. If I was to nitpick there is a touch of distortion here and there (mic level was probably too high going into the computer) and a few pops (pop filter will help that). The occasions were pretty minor and not too distracting so most people may not even notice them. But overall great job. Great reading also.
Hi Tex, Seinnheiser,
Thanks for the kind comments. Tex. I did a lot of takes to get it that decent, but I know my mic technique needs a lot of improvement. I think I sort of drew close and then backed away from the mic while reading and that's what caused the distortions. But I might have had my mic (audiobuddy?) turned up a tad high too. I did that recording with my new Shure 98sm. I also purchased an Audio Technica 3525 condensor mic for a good price from ebay (hey, some of you guys half half a dozen or so mics so thought I could indulge myself with 2) so I'm going to try one, when it arrives, with that and see how it sounds.

Again, thanks so much for all the help. Pop filter next. Best, Joan
Hi Joan,

I don't know if you know or not, but there's a forum here, MP3 mixing clinic, where you can post your songs and get all sorts of advice :cool: :D
Thanks for the info

I sort of wanted just a few people at a time to hear it. Is that 'fear' of criticism or what? I'll get over it. Joan