Creating gapless transitions between tracks...


New member
So, the CD I'm working on right now for my band has a song that is sectioned into three seperate movements. When I get done with mixing and everything, what would be the best way to make it so when you play the final product (IE the CD) you would listen to that song, and it would be three seperate tracks but play through like it was one constant song with no pause or break?

I have both Cubase and Adobe Audition 1.5 that I use for recording depending on what it is I am doing, and I usually just burn finished discs using iTunes, but I am opening to getting a hold of any other program that might make doing this easier.
do this...with your existing DAW software.... well...and something that can split up an audio file.

load up all the stereo bounces into your software... if you want to apply any sort of processing feel free, but if not, just make two stereo tracks... put all of the songs in the order you want on the timeline alternating tracks so they can overlap... move them about freely untill you have the transitions you want, crossfading if you feel the need...bounce the entire mofo to a wav file, load it in an audio editing software or something that can split an audio file up (or cut and past or whatever) then just decide where the exact parts you want the tracks to split and cut/paste each section into a new wav file... then just burn those files (making sure to bypass the 2 second space in between songs default) and viola! there you go!

edit: actually... you COULD just select the part that is a song bounce, then making sure not to move the end point make it the start point and stretch to the end of the song then bounce and so on...that would probably work too.

edit 2: not sure if itunes can burn gapless cds, do a little googling for some software to do that. I'm sure there's something for free somewhere.
Hope this helps!

Hi There,

There is software I use called " Ashampoo Music Studio 3" which is excellent for this purpose. It's very easy to use and you can download it from Cnet website. If you have any problems using or finding it, please get in touch with me.

Best of luck form Buddiedavey in Scotland.
Adobe Audition allows you to burn and change the speed of the gaps between tracks. Try it out I think it might work well for your case. I suggest mixing it and putting it all in my one session. Then cut it up perfectly into three parts and export individually. Thats how I would do it.
CD Architect is what I use also. It was only about $50 when I bought it. Worth way more than that. Has everything you could possibly need for mastering/burning a CD. PQ edits, CD text, track transitions, etc.
must be the equivalent to waveburner for logic... absolutely love that software... It's possible to do all that without it, but it's nice to have something purpose built for the task.
I did a lot of that on a CD I was working on. I basically, using cubase, put all the master files into one cubase project, with a song on each channel and lined them up the way I wanted them in the sequence I wanted them, then mixed down one big wav file of the lot. Then I took that wav file into nero and indexed the beginning each new track. Then burned it to CD.
edit 2: not sure if itunes can burn gapless cds, do a little googling for some software to do that. I'm sure there's something for free somewhere.

iTunes will burn gapless, you just have to set it somewhere in the options. I think it's on the "burning" tab.