Creating drum tracks


New member
Here's the deal:

There are plenty of places to download wav drum samples, but they are typically only a couple of bars long. How can I use these wav files to create a full drum track in n-track (or using some other software)? Is there a feature within n-track which allows the user to repeat these files, creating a full (say 4 minute) sized drum track?

A cheap copy of ACID Music is great to have around; not only can you create phrases and entire drum tracks, but you can change the bpm tempo to YOUR song.

FruityLoops is also an excellent tool for creating drum phrases and sequences. The great thing about Fruity is that you can use any .wav samples and there are a number of drum machine pattern books that'll get you a good basic rhythm going..... there's a great set of acoustic drums at Tom Hicks area of

I use both programs and then export the drum track as a .wav to be imported into N-Track for mixing.
for creating loops, Fruity Loops is pretty good....

for working with existing loops, Acid is the definitely recommend getting a demo of it and try it out.....
i tried Acid 2.0 but couldn't get it to do a frigging thing right... now, while I know that part of the problem is my complete ineptness, the program itself was also really buggy... the sound samples wouldn't play loud... even when I turned em up to "12" you could still hardly hear em.. if I listened to the samples in Media Player they were nice and loud... on top of that, the little "Explorer" window kept playing the samples in 4 beat loops at crazy fast bpm's (like 500 or some nonsense)... I mean.. it was cake to paint a couple wavs in and make a simple beat, but I couldn't even hear the beat once I was done cause the samples were so quiet...

I downloaded that leaf drum thingy.. I'm gonna try that next.

Acid 2.0 I got for free during a deal at Guitar Center along with Sound Forge XP 4.5 for free as well. Acid 2 works perfect. Never screwed up in the two years I've had it. It doesn't have many features, but it puts everything else to laughing shame when it comes to sequencing.