Crate Amps


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What is the general consensus on Crate Amps ‘round these parts? I am looking at a GF-212 combo or a GX140C combo. Both offer around 120 watts for about 400 bucks, not too bad in my eyes but am I losing quality, are these well built good sounding amps?

Also, I have heard that tube amps are louder than solid state amps. Is there any credence to this or is the person who told me this a raving loon.

I've had a Crate (G40C XL) for about 10 years, and no problems with it. First amp I ever bought. However, I haven't plugged my guitar into it even one time since I got a Fender Deville 2x12 tube amp (I paid ~$700) two years ago. The tone and warth made a huge difference. If you can find an affordable tube amp and tone is important to you, definitely try it out. I don't know about louder, but I do know that as soon as I plugged in and cranked up my Fender at home I knew I had made the right decision. The difference in sound quality between it and the Crate was instantly noticeable to me.

Try out as many amps as you can before you decide on one. I was planning on buying a different amp the day I went to the music store and got the Fender, but after playing with several amps in the store it won me over. Get whatever sounds good to you.

[This message has been edited by Jon X (edited 07-04-1999).]
I think that crate amps sound like crap. They are weak, cheesy, and "plastic". Crate's tone works allright for the clean channel, and so does the tone of most solid state amps. A tube amp is the only amp that will rip your ear another hole, blast out a window two miles away, and cook an omlett. If presence is what you want get a tube, if a more refined and molded sound is what you want then get a solid state, and if pathetic muffled compressed weakness is what you want then, by all means, lose yourself in the abyss of a crate.
whoo, I'll take that as a no. I'd just like to get a good sounding LOUD(around 100 watts) amp for about 400 bucks. Any suggestions?

Yes, it's true. Tube amps are louder than equivalent watt solid state. The real issue is why are you so concerned with "LOUD". If that's so important, you are telling everyone you don't know how to play. A good tube amp will get good tone at about half of max settings. Put controls about 5, I know "ours go up to 11", and get the sound you want. If you play a venue that really needs more volume, mike it and play it through the PA.
A 40 watt tube amp, (for that matter a 15 watt tube amp) is plenty loud enough to play anyplace. If you get a gig in a stadium, mike it.
You know that big wall of stacks at the outdoor shows? Probably one to maybe 4 speakers live and miked. The others are props.

That said, the Crate is fine if what you really want is loud.
With $400 you can have one of several excellent (used) amps.

There's a Canadian company called Traynor that used to make amps which were Fender replicas. They made an all-tube 2x12" 100 watt 'Twin' which sounded great, and you can probably find one out there somewhere for less than $400.

Marshall also used to market a range of amps under the trade name 'Park' which are identical (pretty much) to the same Marshall model - it may still be possible to find one of those for your $400.

Music Man is (was?) a company formed by Leo Fender after he sold out to CBS which make (made?) a full range of amps - you can probably find one of their 2x12" all tube 'Twin' amps for about $400.

For an absolute killer tone (but you will need to mic this up) you can probably find an Ampeg Reverberocket for less than $400. Sweet sweet tone!!!

If you're not in a hurry, pawn shops are an Aladdin's Cave. Lots of crap, and then once in a while an absolute gem for 1/4 of it's value. (Offer them 40% of what the marked price is and pay them the 50% they come back with :-)

Also check out the amps at
My experience with them is they are extremely well-made, and sound good. They are (comparatively) cheap as they sell them from the factory; you may be able to find a used one in your price range.

Happy hunting

I have a Crate Blue Voodoo (all tube amp) that actually sounds pretty good - especially cranked. I had a 2x12 ss combo for many years and it was still working fine the day I traded it in. I only cranked that amp as far as half-way once, and only did that to get an idea of how loud it could get (too loud!). (I gotta say, though, the newer crate amps do look all plasticy and cheap compared to the old 2x12 combo I had in the 80's, but I haven't played them.)

I also have a Mesa Boogie F30 (one of their cheaper amps), and it kicks the crap out of my crate for tone. But it cost me more than double what the crate cost.

So this makes this thread 24 years old! Must be some kind of record. My first post.

My friend just gave me a Crate G40C. I saw him lay a bues jam and his tone was great. Also thought he had a leslie sim pedal. I was shocked to see this Crate amp. The leslie sim was the built in chorus. Stereo chorus. 2x10 celestion speakers, two 20wt amps for true stereo. A perfect grab and go amp. Used around $50. I got home too late to try it out but I'm sure it will sound great for small gigs.