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i wish i only new what is wrong with cakewalk 9 it just started pop clicks and skiping again really bad. i have tried everything under the sun. now if i open the song in music maker or some other program it plays perfect but in cakewalk 9.03 it craps out. i have tried every setting that i know of and have been on phone with tech support they are no help.i have a intel p3 733 mhz 256mram 10.2 gig wd7200 rpm lexicon core 2 card. like i said it just started doing it out of the blue and ive not changed anything on my puter except for the normal opimization along time ago . some body help! i beginning to believe that if i change to cubase my problems would disappear.
Can't help in the technical sense, just passing on that I had an earlier Lexicon card and it really didn't work well with Cake. Lex and Cake said they had not heard there was a conflict, but I could never get them to work correctly. As I am a Cake fan, I change cards and bingo!! (although the tech support folks at Lex were wonderful to work with)
if you open the song in another app?

you say that you haven't changed your setup, but have you installed anything that may have stomped on your old DLL files? DLL (dynamic load library) files enables programs to be smaller by using common library files. problem is, if these files get written over you could end up with a newer or older version of the file that doesn't quite fit.

i'm only bringing this up since you said that the program was working correctly.

try re-installing cakewalk, and getting the latest directX version from microsoft.
rjt.. I had problems with Lexicon card also and returned it the the time you could not run Wavepipe with it..

bh..what kind of files are you trying to run? you mentioned Music match..are you attempting toplay mp3,s?

I,m not sure but I dont believe Cake 9 can play mp3,s
It can encode and export..not sure about playback.
Anyone care to clarify this one?
what i did was record all of my audio in music maker and then saved them as wave files then i decided to work in cakewalk so i imported the wave files but in cakewalk it craps out but in music maker it sounds good. as for re booting cakewalk i did that.
elbenj said:
I,m not sure but I dont believe Cake 9 can play mp3,s It can encode and export..not sure about playback. Anyone care to clarify this one?
Well, that's what I've been told (if that helps any). :D

Also, what Lex card are you guys talking about that wouldn't work with WC or is it just Lex cards in general won't work with WC? I was thinking about getting the Lex Core 2 card for now (I'm sick and tired of only having only one input), so is this a bad idea? If so, what other inexpensive cards can I get that will work with CW? (prefferably one with four inputs, but two will work I guess) :rolleyes:

I was referring to the Lexicon Core 2 card. That was a while ago and they may have corrected some of the compatability issues but I didnt waste anytime. If I had to get a card today I would give the Aardvark Direct Pro a real good look. I am running the Motu 2408 at the present. Prior to that I had the Midiman 2044 which I liked but it was limited to 44.1k 16 bit audio.

BH it sounds like its something to do with the recorded music from Music match. What is the sampling rate and bit depth of the audio recorded in Music Match? When you initially posted the question my first thought was a timing issue. Reconfirm your playback master is set to the Lexicon card. Are you running a soundblaster sound card also? If so, try making it the playback master. Also try rerunning the wave profiler.

Are you able to hear audio in your previously recorded material composed in Cakewalk?

Let us know how it goes from there.

I think the Ardvark ($500) is a bit out of my price range at the moment. I'm looking for a (real) cheap soundcard at the moment, just to play around with some different multiple micing techniques I've picked up from the forums and also being able to mic my whole drumkit would be nice too. I plan on upgrading in the future to something really good but for now just something to dink around with. I guess I'll have to do some looking into the Core 2, I'm just glad that this was brought to my attention "before" I bought it. ;)
Thanx SPINSTERWUN, the Delta 44 is $270 and the 66 is $320, I don't think I'll need the digital inputs (at least not enough to compensate for the extra $50) so I'll probably end up going with the 44.

Thanx again

Thanx DigitalDon,
I found the Yamaha DSP Factory at American Music Supply, (Samash kept freezing up for some reason) and I'll definitly have to look into it too.

Thanx again

if u are running windows98 it can ALWAYS be a cause of the problem(F*ckin bill gates) u should upgrade ur operating system....i was using 98 but it just kept crashin on me for some reason upgraded to ME my computer runs fine....or u can reinstall win98 or whateva op sys u use