Crappy Mics = Happy Mics

In think your mic idea sounds great. Seriously, there is too much emphasis on pro recording gear. I mean Nady and Behringer can't rule the world you know!
Sounds like you have air beneath your wings as far as mementum goes, and are breathing fire along the way.
Keep your vintage mic the way it is, don't try and Jerry-it to sound like some fancy schmancy Samson.
You are on the right track, my friend. Can't wait to hear your first MP3 post!!

Edit: Feel bad for not sharing....In high school I wanted to get the "I am Iron Man" vibration sound from my Radio Shack Realistic mic, so I would hold up an aluminum foil cupped full of rock salt between me and the mic when the vocal que came up. Quality like that is long gone and dead. :)
Man, it is all art, it is all subjective. The folkies aren't going to dig the noise, daddy-o, and the noisers aren't going to dig the pops, etc. The only thing left are ideas. They rule the county. If it comes straight from a place you mean it, somebody is going to love it, no matter what anybody says.