Cracklin' in recording, please help...


New member
First of all, I have to apologize because I think I've seen a posting similar to this somewhere before but I can't find it now.

I'm trying to lay down a track on my PC. It sounds great for the first half of the song, then the sound starts crackling. Am I running out of memory?...There's only one track recorded at the time so it's definitely not being overloaded by too many tracks yet. My machine has 192 Mb of RAM. It's terribly frustrating...Thanks in advance to anyone who helps me fix this!
I'm using the M-audio Audiophile 2496. I'm also using Cakewalk Pro 9. It's working fine for the first half and then it starts crackling. It's terribly frustrating.

I'd appreciate any insight, theories, guesses...anything....
this is something you probably checked, but are you running any programs in the background?
Does it always happen the same number of seconds into the recording?

It would help to know more about your computer's hardware, ie: Motherboard, BIOS, chipset, etc.
The only software that's running in the background would be my firewall. (And anything Windows runs automatically in the background.)

As for the'm at work right now, so I'm trying to do this from memory... Pentium-II Shuttle 591 Motherboard, Award BIOS, Intel Pentium-II 450 MHz chip.

The crackling always happened in the same place while playing it back, I haven't compared multiple takes yet...I'll try that tonight when I get home.
Network intensive apps like firewalls should be disabled when recording.

Some people recommend disabling the network card entirely when recording audio. Since your machine is an older, slower machine and you have a 96KHz stream going into it I would heed that advise.
I just disabled network activity and shut the firewall down. It recorded without any crackling. Hopefully that fixed the problem.

Unfortunately, I don't have the time tonight to really put it to a stress test and see if it completely eliminates it. For now I'm going to be optimistic and hope that all's well.

Thanks for helping me out! (I'm sure if it repeats itself later, I'll be back on here crying about it!) ;)