Cracking? (Clip Inside)


New member
Hey everyone,
Me and my friends are making a song about pirates and my friends verse keeps cracking on all of the downbeats

On the clip below: skip to 0:11 seconds where he says "tie down all the loot"
You'll notice that "tie" cracks and the like the whole track clips out.
When the beat and vocals are played separately, neither of them crack though.

tips, explanation?
I didn't hear it. Most likely something's clipping in your monitoring setup. Correct the monitoring gain structure.

Try playing the recording on another system.
I don't hear anything special on the "tie" either, but the entire mix is waaaay too hot and clipping all over the place; especially after the 8.5 second mark, but it even clips a couple of times before that. The distortion from the clipping sounds (I'm sorry to say) awful. Bring the levels down.

And don't jinx yourself *ever* by naming something the "final" mix like you did with this MP3. That almost guarantees it will not be the final mix ;).

Glen is right, clipping all over the place later in the, ahem, clip.

Your RMS levels are about -12dB, pretty darn loud. If that's what you want, fine, but get there through skillful application of dynamics, not just slamming your mix bus. I typically mix at about -18 to -12dB peak, then "master" to about -16dBRMS using my preferred dynamics processing.

Below are screen captures showing your waveform during the word "tie", as you mixed it and pulled down 6dB to make the flat tops really visible.


  • clipped1.jpg
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  • clipped2.jpg
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