CPU, HDD, or Ram... most important?


New member
Now I know someone is going to say all three... but...

Which is the most important in terms of multi-track recording?
HDD and RAM will effect your track counts in that HDD speed and throughput are required to stream large amounts of data, yet sufficient amounts of RAM are required to load the the sample buffers to
CPU speed will effect the amount of DSP you can do (plugins). Well the CPU also has to process all of the audio data as well.
In essence .... they all work hand in hand, but the general consensus is
HDD & RAM = track counts
CPU = effects processing

... if I'm only using reverb and compression that comes with the software, my celeron 2.6 is fine? But, to record 4 tracks at onece, I will need o get more ram than my 256? I don't how to tell my HDD speed.. but it's a 30gb laptop one...

Assuming you have a mb that's not out of the dark ages, and a typical modern HDD, the best thing you can do is add in the RAM. I was using a computer with a P3 and 256MB RAM and it was pitiful compared to my current P4 with 512MB. I could barely get into the double digits with track count before and now have no problems.
I got my laptpo about 6 mths ago... I think I shall endevour to upgrade my RAM... and you think with that I should be able to get 4 tracks in simultaneously?