CPU/Buffer Problem - SX 3 with i88x


New member
This probably has a simple answer, but I'm really new to the DAW world.

The Setup:
Athlon XP 2700+ (2.16 ghz)
768 mb RAM
Yamaha i88x firewire interface

The Problem:
There is a huge jump on the CPU processing meter when I change from my soundblaster card to the interface. This seems to only be happening recently. The CPU is fine when I'm in a very small session (i.e. compressing and eqing a 2-track), but in a modest 10-12 track session with 1-3 plugins per track, the CPU is maxed out, even when the playback is stopped. My computer becomes more or less frozen. My latency seems to be a bit lower than usual (~5ms input, ~3 ms output).

I haven't tracked recently, so I don't know if the CPU is less stressed with input, rather than output. I could temporarily fix the problem by freezing half of the tracks, but I'd rather not. I know I need to get a better computer, but I think there is something else at play.
Since you've got a limited amount of processing and a less than powerfull processor you should consider your usage of plugins to be a problem. Do you really need 30 plugins running for 10 tracks? NO....

Use Group channels to process multiple tracks with the same plugin; like reverb. Reverb works very well as a group plugin. Compression can also be grouped together in some instances.
I already use group channels for reverb, and sometimes compression on drum submixes. My biggest session uses 22 plugins - I'd say about 55% eq, 40% compression, and 5% reverb. It didn't seem like a processing problem a while ago when my latency was a bit higher. And it isn't a problem when running through a soundblaster card. I run sessions at 44.1/24.
You do change you hardware buffer settings when mixing correct?

If you don't, you should. Mixing should always be done with a higher buffer setting to help reduce CPU crunch. There's really not much need to have low latency when mixing.

Track with low-latency buffer settings, mix with high buffer settings.

Why do you use a SoundBlaster card anyway? Those things are notorious for causing problems.
Thanks for the tip, that seemed to solve most of the problem. Things are still a bit glitchy when I use the word clock on the i88x as the master clock. I have no clue why.

I use the soundblaster just to check mixes on my comp's speakers.