Couple of questions


New member
Im looking for new pickups for my les paul style fernandes monterey. I want to play blues stuff and rock, and maybe some metal or punk etc.(meallica, green day) Im aiming for good reasonable distortion (not super overdrive stuff) to get tone like buddy guy, gilmour and clapton. I was looking into the seymour duncan vintage soapbar, is it any good?
What do you guys and gals reccomend?
Thanks alot!
EDIT:Im also aiming for a bridge p/up, although I might buy both depending on price .My budget will be about 150-200 euro for both. For the bridge p/up, I would need to alter its tone from super bright to muddyish, to emulate a neck pickup, unless I get 2.
Seymour Duncan makes great pickups. I currently have an SH-4 in the bridge and an SH-2 in the neck. THe SH-4 is a Seymoure standard and the SH-2 is a great jazz pickup, really warm and mellow tones.