Could use some help...


New member
Hi there, I want to start out by saying I know very little about recording. so with that said i'll ask some questions.

I have an aardvark Q10. I am currently downloading Sonar 7. I have a pair of monitors I assume I connect to the Q10, as there's a little place in the back for monitors. Is that how i should connect for playback? I was using sonar 4 before just to mess around and try and get aquainted with the hardware/software, and through the headphone jack in the q10 i could hear myself while i was recording, but when I tried to listen back to what I recorded nothing would play. I couldn't figure out how to make that happen, so if anyone has a clue of how to set the playback with my setup please let me know, i would very much appreciate it.

Another thing is, do I need any other hardware then this q10? I am doing fairly minimalist recording that could be handled by a 16 track. I keep seeing people online that have other things then just a pre-amp, and i'm pretty sure the q10 is a pre-amp (I know i know nothing), so do i need anything else?