Could this have hurt my PC...


New member
Hi guys,

I just wanted to quickly record my guitar with my PC.
So, Heres what i did:

Guitar-->Digitech Rp200a(multi effects processor) headphone out--> soundcard (onboard!)--> Adobe Audition

After a few hours of recording and tweaking the sound, called it a wrap and shutdown my PC.

The next time i turned on my PC, startup took longer than usual and now my PC is terribly and noticably slower than usual.

Could the direct injection thingie have caused this?


jmreyes said:
Could the direct injection thingie have caused this?

No. Did you just load Audition for this session? Is it your first time accessing Audition? Do any web hunting in preparation that may have taken you to some dark corner of the web?

This is always a solution...
Also, if you loaded the programs right then, there may have been a conflict somewhere, that had to wait until reboot to really screw up.

And Compy peed the carpet.
jmreyes said:
Hi guys,

I just wanted to quickly record my guitar with my PC.
So, Heres what i did:

Guitar-->Digitech Rp200a(multi effects processor) headphone out--> soundcard (onboard!)--> Adobe Audition

After a few hours of recording and tweaking the sound, called it a wrap and shutdown my PC.

The next time i turned on my PC, startup took longer than usual and now my PC is terribly and noticably slower than usual.

Could the direct injection thingie have caused this?


(From personal experience) It can actually happen. except 100w head did it, was fine lower volume, bumped volume up on accident.........that sucked, fried my MB. never hook an amp up to onboard audio, bad idea! Tape decks also the best idea for recording. My cheapie $5 thrift store deck is well better than a $800 soundcard!
Its more likely, especially if you have a smaller hard drive, that you've perhaps underestimated exactly how much space .wav files take up, and windows is struggling to load due to lack of space, try getting rid of the temp files as was suggested above, and keep an eye on disk space... Windows XP does use harddrive space as it would RAM when running - otherwise known as pagefiles ;)

Tried disk cleanup , check disk, defrag and even uninstalling Audition did'nt work.

My only option left before fomatting my drive was System Restore.
I restored it to the day before i installed Audition. BAM! It worked! Back to normal.

I really wonder what caused such behavior. :rolleyes: I guess Audition made some changes on how my processor, memory, and hard disk performs causing the system to slowdown. dunno..

Im glad its back to normal. Im afraid to install Audition again so for the mean time im maybe gonna try out Audacity.

Thanks for all your help guys.