Could I get an opinion on this mix?


New member
Hey, I've been recording this stuff in my home studio. I was wondering if there was anything you would suggest.

Thanks guys.

This is pretty good. Nice work.

But the intro is too long. And the drums do strange distracting things throughout the song. So it doesn't really gel.

But I do like all of the sounds you've used.

I think you need to "focus" the song and its arrangement...then send it back please :)

I agree with what was said above.

Plus the cymbals sound WAAAAY too harsh. I couldn't finish the song, because it was hurting my ears.

I do like the sounds from the guitar and the drums are decent (exept for the cymbals), but the other thing that stood out was that the song felt unballanced from left to right. Now I'm not saying that for every guitar on the left that you need a guitar on the right, but if you have a guitar on the left, there should be something to ballance it. (the song to me felt right heavy)
I agree with the two guys above.
Its a good song:)
The guitars sound good but the one on the left could perhaps come up a little.
I'd like a bit more meat on the kick drum personally, maybe boost it about 100hz? definitely turn down those hats theyre a bit harsh, they appear more forward than the snare to me. Maybe take out a general sweeping curve between about 3khz-10khz?
Also the backing vocals towards the end were a little loud for my tastes.
I hope you can get something useful out of that:)
If you do a remix post it up:)
:D All is said, that echoed snare and loud hats sound like dude banging drums with a hammer, in a slow song. the backings at the end were only from one side, which made them stick out, but a cool song when all is said and done.
Yeah, retrack the drums & ask the drummer to FEEL the song 1st.
Otherwise a nice song & sympathetic performance with a few stumbles but endearingly so.
I like the intro length. It feels to fit this song fine.

I agree about the drums needing a little work.

This has a water feel to it. I can't quite put my finger on the other feel it gives me. It is the drumbeat. I like it, just not the snare tone...but the tone is very close for the feel you have with this tune. Kinda out there. Drifting on the waves.

Maybe a few spots with some toms to punch it up here and there.

I really like the tambourine going on in this.

Guitars are easy and breezy, with a 60's sound.

The vocals are dreamy too.. :cool:

Going to have a nice one in the end. :)