It is a life preserver
Half the whole problem right there....We all shot ourselves , so you have to too..haha. Weather it’s right or wrong I am not interested
What's 'trues' ?Trues have a choice
Half the whole problem right there....We all shot ourselves , so you have to too..haha. Weather it’s right or wrong I am not interested
What's 'trues' ?Trues have a choice
Ok, but I wasn't involved in that either. What I am saying (as a vaccinated and boostered person whether that makes any difference to catching it,) is............... You cant catch the virus if you keep away from other people and their stuff.I did not say that, I said let’s stay away from the anti vax / vax argument. I’m sick of reading about it, 90% of people here are vaxed, here if you are not vaxed you will not be allowed to go to large gatherings for example festivals, that’s the decision. Weather it’s right or wrong I am not interested, it’s like the old think of don’t discuss politics or religion. Now it’s vax or not to vax.
No Anti-vax propaganda from me...I'm all for getting the vax if you want to get it and get it if you don't want to. ...I did post a little anti-stupidity in general about how we are STILL blowing it on best practices as I expounded on what was going on here in LA but I get ya on the re-direction and will personally try to stay on topic in this thread.This thread was for the effects of the virus on the music industry not anti fax propaganda. Trues have a choice but keep it to yourself.
A word auto fill invented on my iPadHalf the whole problem right there....We all shot ourselves , so you have to too..haha
What's 'trues' ?
I have noticed that some musicians have gone into making music and putting it up on stock type libraries.A paradigm shift indeed.
Streaming has become huge but as an old fart I sure don't know how to go about making a living doing it. Definitely doubtful I could generate a following that would ever be of any significance financially. C'est La Vie!
Glad I have a few day jobs
I know a lot of people who are anti vaxers and here if you are not vaxed, no venues are allowed to let you in, so anti vaxed musicians it’s over. I have become so fed up with the anti vax people I don’t talk to them anymore.
Keep well all
Improvise, Adapt and Overcome. Seasons change and so have I, man you're singing to the choir brother.I know it means change. But I started working life making blast furnaces. Then nobody wanted them. I have done lots and lots of different jobs and trades to make money since. You do what you gotta do.
Improvise, Adapt and Overcome. Seasons change and so have I, man you're singing to the choir brother.
All I can say is I have lived a pretty blessed, lucky and fun life so far...last night was no exception...went and watched my 10 year old grand daughter kill it on her Christmas song performance solo...In awe of the blessings that have befallen me, humbled, grateful and surely waaaaaaay overpaid!
Man it is a shit show everywhere.. like chickens running round with their heads chopped off screaming ( or trying to scream) THE SKY IS FALLING when in fact it ain't falling, our leaders are failing...This a a world wide situation, ideally as a world wide community it'd be wonderful if we could come together as one and with science and practicality set a base standard protocol that will allow us to put the wraps on this virus for good..Ain't gonna happen but it'd be really nice if it could.We're waiting for an announcement today. We will either be working until 10th January or going home on Boxing Day. This seems to be the choice and it's like a court waiting for the jury to return. In practical terms it's the loss of two weeks pay for most, but that we can live with - it's the depression. Normally a happy atmosphere, smiling faces and excitement. Today it's miserable. Nobody smiling, nobody in good spirits - and worse, I'm supposed to bring forward, if closure is announced, all the end of show stuff - the parking for trucks, permits, final documents and I have two days to do it all - but I cannot even start. 30 people with flights and ferries to re-arrange, hotels to cancel, so much work if the announcement comes today. if it comes tomorrow - I just won't have time to do it, and run the remaining shows. If there is a plan B, to reduce capacity, we'll still going to close - 50% capacity won't pay the bills. It's a nightmare. I'm not a political person, but we have England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales - all doing different things and with current contracts - you suddenly lose money that is unrecoverable and we all have bills to pay. I'll survive, but I'm old. If I was a 30-40yr old with mortgage and bills, how do you cope?
The death rates now to the amount of infections are really low. Of course we have those unfortunates. But I think most of it is Media lead now.We have stay of execution - theatres in Northern Ireland can stay open, so it's up for review on the 30th, so that leaves just one week of the run - which is much better than three. The relief in people was so obvious after it was announced. I feel so sad for colleague in the other shows that have shut. Crazy situation.