Copy and Past in Multitack of CEP 2


New member
I want to select a section within 5 tracks, copy and past it to the end of the song. I know how to select multiple tracks... it's the copying of the selection of multiple tracks that I can't seem to do. Does anyone know how to do this?

this is for Cool Edit Pro 2.0
You can mix down the selected tracks into a new track- then you can trim it or use automation to just the parts you want :)
I need to copy and past 5 tracks (chorus) to aditional locations of the song. (but each track must remain seperate) A mixdown is no good to me.
Highlight the tracks you wanna copy (Hold Ctrl while selecting them all) Then while still holding the Ctrl button, right click anywhere on the highlighted tracks and drag over to where you want to paste them...It will automatically make a copy of all highlighted tracks..
Another way

If you don't wanna create new files you can hold down shift while dragging the selected wavs and dragging them to wherever you want them. Using ctrl you create duplicate files which take up twice as much space. Using shift instead only creates a duplicate image of the wavs and your session will also load faster.