CoolEditPro 2. Anybody know where to download a copy?

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Collie The Dog

New member
Any of you guys know where to download a copy of CEP2 ?? I don't mean the stuff that you pay for, if you know what I mean...

I want it for evaluation purposes only, really....
Thanks for the replies, but is there a full copy floating about somewhere, which some kind person has provided for free???

Being a bit cheeky and illegal of course, but hey, if you don't ask you don't receive....
Well if you just want to evaluate it then what's wrong with the link that don4777 gave you ? I don't think your going to find to many people here that are going to distribute a cracked copy of software......
Apologies chaps for any offense that I have caused you by my ineference towards software legalities.

Don't want to piss you guys off as I rely on your advice to help me through this recording minefield.

My credit card is ready and primed. A couple of hundred dollars for an easy life.

Download the full crack off of Kazaa.........test it (demo)........then go buy the legal version. Thats what I did cause I like to test drive gear before I plunk down the cash.
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