CoolEdit 2.1 .. Not playing from cursor?


New member
Hi folks,

Wonder if anyone there has come across this...

Cool edit 2.1 has suddenly developed a trait where it wont play from where the cursor is... you can stop the track playing, click somewhere in the track and click the play button, (or space bar), and it plays from the start of the track. If you click the "play to end" button it plays from the cursor.

Has anyone come across this, with a fix?

I'm pretty sure it's not a setting that's been accidentally tweaked... but if it is does anyone know which?

I suspect it's something which may need a software re-install... but I'd rather it wasn't. This is a machine that's "locked down" at work and it needs a mighty huge administrative effort to get anything done to it. If it's a user tweak I can do it!

Thanks in anticipation,


The play buttons each have 4 options on a pop up menu, you probably accidentially changed the setting.

The defaults should be..

Play button 1, "play from cursor to end of view"

Play button 2 (play to end button), "play from cursor to end of file"
