Converting mV/kohms to dBu or dBV


New member
Hi All,

I posted in another section a question I had about overloading my home receiver with a +4dBu output from my soundcard. I think it's more a Newbie question, so I'll post it here as well. I assume that my receiver can only tolerate an input at -10dBV, like most "consumer-level" audio; however, I would like to be sure that this is so. In the specs for the receiver, the input sensitivity is described as 150mV/47 k-ohms. Can someone please convert this into dBu or dBV for me (and show me how) - does this 150mV/47 k-ohms mean that the receiver can only tolerate inputs at -10dBV?

Thanks again!!!
Even if an input is set for -10 and you want to send a +4 signal into it all you have to do is turn down the +4 output. You won't hurt anything by trying and experimenting.