Control guitar feedback pitch ?


New member
Feedback is a function of the amp/speaker and guitar (strings/pickups) as well as the closeness of the two.. There's no set answer, and no plugins as far as I am aware.
In that Satriani's pretty much the same "pitch" though maybe a couple of times he's bending the string which gives it that quick warble.

I think you should find positions relative to your amp and notes that give feedback...and then go from there. Hit the stuff you really want.

Did you want to try and get feedback, and then "play it" like an instrument, actually different notes while maintaining the same feedback off of a single hit...???
Wouldn't changing the note you're playing at the time control the pitch...

I never really play with feedback but I always thought it was related to what you were playing, which is why it sounds good...
On the Satriani song he is using a bit of vibrato but the pitch doesn't vary by much.

I used to use a trick when playing loud with a rock band-I would hold a note with my right hand finger while it would feedback and the stretch the note using my right hand finger a few frets below the held note. I could easily raise and lower the feedback note by a full note or more.

An 'EBow' can give similar effects as well.
I wasnt talking about a plugin to generate feedback, just to control the pitch of it when generated

Just hold down the string on different frets, harmonic areas are good places to start, aka the 5/7/12 frets, just get close to your amp and it feedbacks a pitch, change the fret and it'll feedback a different pitch. (Important note, mute all the other strings except for the one your fretting.)

More than likely they're recording those pitches separately and strung them together in the workstation, it's really hard to control constant feedback and change the pitch at the same time. You can also use any pedal that has a boost switch to increase the gain and make it easier to feedback.

That's what I do anyway, play guitar in a Rage Against the Machine tribute and I have to be able to hit certain pitches with feedback for some of the solos, I just hit the boost on the side of my wah pedal to guarantee I'll get instant feedback and then I'll mute all the strings except for the one fretted and it'll instantly feedback that pitch.
The pitch of the feedback will always be a harmonic of the note you are playing. It will also have something to do with the tone of your guitar/amp.
I did alot of feedback stuff years ago.

One phenomena to me was that other than stock fender and gibson pickups other pickups keep finding the same note.

Hendrix and Pete Townsend were the pioneers to me.

Marshall amps (old ones without master and pre-amp knobs) seem to be built best for feedback, the power tube section of those amps create feedback from a clean tone.

This is the best use of feedback I can reference,

I think, he did this with 2 Marshall 100s, 2 Twin Reverbs and two Leslies, with very low output fender single coils.
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