Constructing GoBos .. reflective material?


New member
... Hi... I just got finished making a large movealble GoBo... One side absorbes, but the other side is just plywood. Is there a material that i could cover the other side with that will have pleasing reflections?? I see that alot of studios use hard wood floors?? Im not sure ... any suggestions are appreciated. Also cost is an object so...
Well thanks again
Im sorry I think you might be a little over my head in regards to this. my gobos are VERY home made... its just a 2x4 frame with plywood on one side and carpet pading + carpet on the other side (absorbant side... obviously) .. so the reflective side is just plywood as of now...
3/4 mdf?? sorry can you elaborate a little?
MDF stands for Medium Density Fiberboard - think I read somewhere that it's denser than what is usually called particle board, but same idea (sheets of compressed sawdust and glue)

The stuff is less resonant than plywood, that's why it's used in a lot of speaker enclosures (unless some poor roadie is trying to carry them around, then plywood is better, at least for his back)

If you want more uniform absorption on the absorbent side, you should add deeper insulation behind the carpet - right now, it'll just absorb highs, little else... Steve