considering vs-1680...HELP!!!


New member
Hey all,
I'm considering the vs-1680 and I need to know some basic info on this unit. Here are my questions:

1. Can is perform 8 track simultaneous recording?

2. Can you buy any ext. cd burner or do you have to get roland's?

3. Can you use outboard effects processors with this machine?

4. are there aux send/returns and insert points?

5. If given the chance again, would you buy it, and if not, what would you consider in the same price range??

6. I read somewhere that it comes with a version of audio logic???

7. Can one interface it with your computer, let's say, for utilizing a cd burner and the software?

I know this is alot to ask of everyone, but I dont want to buy it without knowing the majority of buyers are happy.

The VS1680 is great, I have one and do all of my recording on it. I also use it with Logic Audio Platnuim, and it works awesome. Everyone who has recorded at my house is blown away by it.
Here are some answers to your questions.
1) Yes it can perform 8 track simultaneous recording.
2) You have to use rolands' CD burner.
3) Yes you can use 2 different outboard effects
4) there are internal aux/sends and inserts with the optional effects cards. By the way KILLER effects!
5) I own it
6) Yes it comes with logic audio which is a stripped down version of Audio logic. It's good for midi and doing some editing.
7) Yes it can interface with the computer via midi.

I hope this helps, check out the roland web site
Good luck!

thanks for the input soulcactus. MUCH APPRECIATED!!!!
I did hear, however, that there are a few other CD burners that will be compatible with the vs-1680. If anyone knows, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll have to research it myself.
Hiya Rohlson
I used to own the 1680 a little while ago, and while it is a very good unit, it still lacks a lot of things. For one, the preamps are really not very good. I had to use an outboard pre to get any decent sounds into min via microphone. They tend to be very harsh pre's, and very coloured in a way that really isn't flattering to the sound. Granted the effects are awesome, but they are not standard with the unit. You have to buy them seperately. Another big shortcoming of the 1680 is the ganged faders. Having one fader control 2 seperate channels 9/10, 11/12, 13/14, 15/16 really is a pain in the butt.

I traded in the 1680 for the new yamaha, which I think is superior in almost every way (with the exception of fx). This machine is totally expandable and upgradeable. When you buy the 1680, it is more or less a unit that is unexpandable. With the 4416, I can purchase cards to give me more inputs or outputs. The AW4416 is a totally versatile unit. It sounds awesome too. The pre's are great. Another bonus is the CD burner is built into the unit. So one power supply for the lot. Automation on the yamaha kicks ass over any that ive seen on any desk. Motorised faders make life easy.

The roland is a good unit, but I urge you to check out the yamaha before purchasing anything
RE: yamaha

Thanks for the tip.
My only problem is price. How much is that yamaha unit. Last time I checked that aw4416 was major bucks. Any other ideas???