connecting to computer


New member

So i connected my guitar to the laptop using the microphone input and a converter that converts normal jack to mini jack in order to fit into the mini jack lead hole on the computer. Is there any way i can record direct input onto cubasesx3 like this?

Dude you need to get a usb/firewire audio interface. There aree some good cheap ones out there under 100 quid if your looking to record your guitar into cubase.

Latency is terrible if you tdo the input that you have done. I bet up play a note and ten minutes later you here it through you speakers.

Hope this helps
if u have the money digidisgn makes a mbox system that comes with Pro-Tools and a usb hookup. Runs for about $250 at guitar center you may be able to find it cheeper on ebay. U can patch your 1/4 inch plugs right into the box and be good to go. For a starter system this isnt a bad way to go.

Just my hummble opinion
