Connecting Fostex 280 to computer


New member
I have a stupid question that I hope someone who has used a Fostex 280 can answer. I want to bring the tracks in from the Fostex to my computer. The way I've been doing it is using the stereo out into the line in. Not the best method I know. But until I get some $$$ for a new sound card it will have to do. I want to bring 2 tracks in at the same time, but keep them seperate. Would I do this using the 4 tape out connections on the back of the Fostex? If not how then? The Fostex is my friends machine and I can't get a hold of him.
Yes, use the direct outs for each of the four channels on the Fostex. Without a multitrack sound card on the computer end, you will have to do it two tracks at a time as you noted. And of course you need the right cabling and some mutitrack recording software.

I'm assuming the outs on the Fostex are 1/4 mono jacks, and the computer soundcard has a typical stereo Line In, so you'll need two mono 1/4" plugs and a single 1/8" stereo plug at the other end -- a Y-cable. (There are adapters too as well as prewired cables.)

One tip to help line up everything at the end -- if you can, go to a point a few seconds before the song on tape begins, and arm all four tracks, and record a loud click (with no reverb or effects). This will show up on the computer as a sudden transient peak, very sahrply defined in time. Use this as a reference mark to perfectly align the first and second pair of tracks.
Actually... that alignment trick works reasonably well for digital sources, since the output source is more consistent... but for motor-based reels on a cassette multi-tracker, it is very unlikely that the machine will sync the same on the second pass as it did the first pass -- meaning you either have to copy all 4 tracks at the same time, or you will have to painstakingly line up the tracks a few times during the song....

Is the drift that bad over the length of a three-minute song? (I have yet to try it with my old four-track stuff, most of it's not worth transferring anyway...)