connecting beginner system

pedro maldonado

New member
Hi.I'm new to recording but my gilfriend got me a Tascam Porta 2 4-track,a Next DJS-24 sampler and two Zoom RT drum machines for my birthday.Very simple gear as you can see.Here's the question:What else do I need to do halfway decent recordings?My style is mostly hiphop/rap so it's mostly synthesized music.Should I get a compressor,mixer,noise gate,etc.Also what kinda mic should I get?My friend says that a Shure 57 or 58 will do good for just micing vocals,what do you think?Oh,what kind of mixer do you think I'll need?If anyone can help this newbie out,I'll buy you a new Mercedes with the royalties I get of producing a # album:)
Hey Pedro:

Que Paso?

I started out with a four tracker. When I added a reverb unit, I thought I was in heaven. But, the work just begins for a beginner.

I would do some research here and elsewhere and try to see a small home studio set-up. Someone must have one who is a friend of a friend?

Don't know if you have a digital or tape rig? But, if you have tape, be prepared to sit and wait for it to rewind and rewind and rewind. Digital units only require the push of a button to be back to the beginning of the cut.

Get started and record and see what you get. And, I would enjoy a Mercedes two door convertible when you make that big dinero in the business.

Adios and buena suerte
Vespa Verde
Green Hornet:D :p :p :p :cool:

Thanks Hornet for the advice.I see your from Grand Rapids ,Mi. I use to live in Grand Rapids for 7 years when I was 7-14.I went to Hall School .I used to live on Granville st.Do you know where that is?
Yo Pedro:

Absolutemente! I know the area very well. You might remember Davenport College of Business? Quizas? I taught there for many years. Just retired to enjoy more golf and more studio time.

I also need more time to learn the opertion of my Yam 2816 -- great box but poor manual.

Grand Rapids has grown but it is still a Little City.

Make my Mercedes GREEN. [What else?]

Green Hornet:D :D :cool: :cool: :p :p
That's cool you know my old area.I want to go back someday just to see how my old amigos are doing.But it's hard cause I'm in Boston(my birthplace) now and I have no time to travel.I'll make your Benz "money green".Oh yeah,I do remember Davenport College ,mi madre wanted to take a couple courses there while we were in school but she went up to Aquinas College instead.Not sure if I spelled that right!)Anyway,how do you like that Piston,Celtics NBA playoff series!?(we're up 3-1 hah hah)
Catch you later for now Hornet.