Connecting an ADA800 to a Delta 1010 Help please


New member
I have a Delta 1010 interface and wanted to add 8 more anolog inputs. I was pointed in a few directions and came to the ADA8000. I am waiting for it to be delivered this week but would like to get a head start on setting it up and making sure I have what I need when it arrives. I am sure there have to be enough people familiar with both items to offer some much needed help to a newbie.
The ADA8000 has a few outputs on it. I originally thought I would use an optical cable to run from onbe to the other but after looking at the manuels it doesnt seem right. Can someone offer assistance hooking the 2 together please?
Thanks in advance.

Without an ADAT format optical input - which the Delta 1010 doesn't have - it will be quite a trick to integrate the ADA8000 into your system. It has 8 good preamps with phantom power, but only the ADAT 8 channel in + out in addition to wordclock which carries no audio. I can't suggest an easy way to bring the two together...
Ok maybe I can go another way with it then. I have a Panosonic SV3700 (never used) Dat machine. What I am trying to acomplish is giving 8 anolog in's for the drum kit and be able to mix each drum track. I use my delta1010 for Guitars and mics etc etc. What is the best use for the Dat machine? I am not a seasoned recording musician and have heard about them but what is its best purpose nowadays? This machine is 15 years old and was still in all its wrapping and smells new. Any suggestions?
In my frustration of trying to understand all this equip I got luck today and wanted to pass on the new found knowledge.
Today I decided to go back on line and look at the Delta 1010's to see if they are still the same price as they were in early summer. Musicians friend and Ebay both dropped the price so I decided to call Guitar Center.
I asked them if they had one in stock and was told no but told they could order one. I asked how much are they currently. I was told 199.99
I then made it clear I didnt want the Delta 1010 LT but I wanted the PCI system. I was told they are both now 199.99 and the Delta 1010 was discontinued. I asked if I came in was I getting it for that price even if I had to wait 7 days. I was told yes. I went in and sure enough the guy I talked to on the phone left. You know what was coming next... Our employee made a mistake. IT DIDNT HAPPEN
They called a store in NY ( I am outside of Philly) and that store had some but was also told once they are gone, they are gone......
I stated I needed 2 (I wanted one but at that price I had plans)
They sold me 2 for 399.98 (plus tax) for 2 units that other places just dropped to 399.99
So if you have ever wanted one at a good price to use (or re-sell) go to guitar center cause they have em blowing out and no one there knew!!!!!!
Just wanted to pass along some info for all the help I get here
Have a great night....
Ok let me ask this...
If I have a drum set mic'ed via the ada8000 and I run the cable from the adat in to the adat out, effectively being able to use the XLR's as pre's right? The next part is maybe a future prob... If those 8 are sent to a delta 1010 and I have a mixer feeding a second delta 1010 and through that one at the same time is vocals and bass and guitar. Will they match up in recording or will the one through the ada800 be slightly behind due to the delay?
there is a delta AI adat interface that you integrate into your 1010 system, those are discontinued, and every once in a while you'll nsee one on ebay though I can't recall how much they go for. that would be one way to integrate more inputs into your 1010.
DaddySaysSooooo said:
I run the cable from the adat in to the adat out, effectively being able to use the XLR's as pre's right?
If you loop the cable between the ADAT in + the out you'll get one of two things - nothing or horrendous feedback.

You don't have to do anything with the ADAT input and output to use the ADA8000 as mic pre's. You just need a snake to come out of the back and into the line inputs of a computer interface like the Delta 1010.
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ssscientist said:
If you loop the cable between the ADAT in + the out you'll get one of two things - nothing or horrendous feedback.

Actually, I beleive that's exactly what he needs to do. The input and output sections on the ADA8000 are completely seperate units, it's not straight through analog in to analog out. I know someone who uses a digimixer with adat with a pair of ADA's for live sound. He uses them for addition pres. From the mixer he sends his auxs and mains out to the ada for conversion, he doesn't even use the board main outs. So i believe, in fact, he does want to loop the ADAT i/o.

It's funny, you have to convert to and then from digital to go in and then come out analog. I love behringer....
ok but how much of a delay will I get "jumping" that adat in's and outs? or none?
I will know soon enough but want to get any extra cables I will need while I am at the store.
But in asking i can dwell on it and worry about it LOL
Seriously, if someone knows for sure I would appreciate it....
While I don't know for certain .... my best guesstimation would be somewhere around 4 to 6 milliseconds. A few going to digital and a few going back to analog.
And, prestomation is correct in regard to looping the ADAT optical. There is no direct path from analog input to analog output on the ADA 8000.
As far as adding a second 1010 to the equation .... this is pure speculation, as I've not used a 1010 but .... I would think that you may be able to use the one with the ADA connected to it as the master clock source and maybe slave the other one off of it via S/PDIF to aid in maintaining sync.
Again, I don't know .... never had a 1010 let alone two. I guess it would depend on whether or not the driver will allow you to differentiate the clock source between the two units.
If it was me, I'd look into trying to find the Delta AI ADAT interface.

Good luck with it and it looks as though you should be finding out soon enough how well it's going to work.
Just wanted to clear something so people didnt think I was more insane then I am usually acused of....
I finally got my 2 Delta 1010's I paid for from guitar center weeks ago.
It took forever to ship then and some of it was just laziness on peoples parts but thats another story.....
I was told origanly that GC discontinued them but they havent!!!!
What my GC saw in the system was 2 1010's in a store in NY (I am in Pa)
When they finally arrived I realized the prob GC had and why they dropped the price. BOTH of the new 1010's didnt have the cable from the card to the box. Other then that all was packed brand new. I called and complained (I did feel bad complaining about a unit I just paid 1/2 forbut Owell)
They orded me the 2 cables and didnt charge me for them. That was an additional week.
But the bottom line is THATS WHY they were so cheap. I hope I didnt mislead anyone (as I was) about the prices.....
