Confused Poster


New member
I have posted a thread yesterday titled (Sonar3 producer Edition) and have not gotten any reply I also noticed an Icon of a (lock ) on my thread I must have dine something incorrect can someone please advise me as to what I did worng I havent posted in a very long time somebody please say something maybe things have changed and I am not aware

lost and not found

It was locked the other day (Qwerty actually started a thread asking about it), but it looks like it's been unlocked since then and has a response from the almighty Dachay2tnr. I have SONAR 3SE and checked out your post, but unfortunately I don't have any help to offer.

It appears they're really cracking down around here- you misspelled "edition" in the title. :p


confused no more

sorry folks I went back and tried to find out how it got locked and discovered I locked it my mistake
I got it unlocked and had some reply yesterday sorry about the spelling for a guy with an A in English I should have done better I am just getting old

anyway thanks for the help
