confidence play


New member
Have y'all ever noticed that even stinky-bad lyrics can sound great in a song as long as they're delivered w/ confidence/gusto/bullocks?

Some Smiths tunes come to mind, but there are examples everywhere...

Oh, and there was that Blues Traveler song about singin' w/ inflection...



That's really the trick. I've been doing solo acoustic shows when the band has a down week and they're getting better the more I do. (imagine that), but what I've noticed is my confidence level. I started out doing open mics, moved up to songrwiters night, now am booking my own coffee shop shows and doing full sets. I noticed how I felt when I performed at the open mics (and still not used to performing without a band) and I would physically change. My hands wouldn't make chords, my voice wasn't under control, I would look awkward. I guess it was nerves, but it made me want to do it more and be aware of what exactly was happening to me and harness it. What I've discovered is confidence and relaxation makes all the difference. The audience are like animals, they can smell when a performer is uncomfortable. Now I keep my head up, eyes open, move around, etc... Anyway, I find that I can sing some songs that might not be as good as others, but with confidence.