
Metal Titan

New member
Ok here's my situation. I use a Tascam 2488neo to record. My plan is to the upload all the mixed tracks to a computer and use that to do mastering and final editing. However I haven't got a computer in mind

So my question is what kind of computer do you use? Id prefer a desktop personnally. Also what programs do you use on it? At the moment im looking to use iZotope Ozone 5 for mastering and getting cubase for the editing and some final touches of recording. Does anyone have any experience with these things?

Thanks for any help!
Hey metal,

Unfortunately the computer is probably the least important here, closely followed by the software.

If you're planning to master on a computer setup I'd say the most important thing is probably the I/O quality.
By that I mean the quality of the input converters and the quality of the output, including your monitors.

Things to look at (in my opinion and not in order of importance) are your audio interface, monitors and the sound of your room.

Mastering is much less power-hungry when compared with mixing. You're probably only dealing with a stereo track and a handful of plugins, compared with maybe 30 tracks and 50-100 plugins/some vsts.

Software wise, there are plenty of cheap choices, and some free ones too.
You could use anything from audacity or reaper to logic or protools; It pretty much doesn't matter.

Ozone can be useful but if you're going to be paying for software have a real think about what you need.
What do you expect to be doing? Some light volume automation, eqing and compression?

Most (all?) daw software will handle that out of the box without the need for extra suites.
Thanks steenamaroo,

Like usual with my threads I forgot some information. I do eventually plan to use the computer for more recording uses. Im slowly steping into using my studio as a business as well as my own use. Things like mixing, recording, extra effects. All that will be done on the computer eventually. Mastering is just the most immediate use for the computer. Does this really change the types of computer to use or the things I might need?

Also what type of audio inserts would be best? Like I said I have the 2488 neo and it has alot of ports on the back but im not sure which would be the best to use
OK, just looked up the neo. It has usb for copying your files to pc, and you can also burn multitracks to disk, so that's the input sorted.

You'd just need a little interface for output and some monitors then.

Does your long term recording plan mean leaving the neo behind?
Nowadays pretty much any computer you buy will be fine. If you want to get anal having a faster processor, tons of memory, SSD drives, and large dual displays are nice but if your budget is limited you are better off buying or building a cheapie and pouring the funds into other components or room treatment.

Well that was more easily figured out then I thought it'd be. I do plan to use the neo for as long as I can. Partially because I have the most experience on that and also because it was my first major purchase so id just hate to see it go.

Eventually I do know ill have to get rid of it in my never ending quest for recording world dominance but I know those days are a ways off still so ill make the best use of the neo while I have