Computer recording for stupid people


New member
I am very new to all this. When I was young we had small "real to real" recorders...that was a "tape recorder".
I am interested in this computer stuff.
I would like to record acoustic guitar and vocals.
I have an older Yamaha amp with a "recording out" jack.
Can I plug this into the "line in" on the computer (without blowing up anything)?
I have a 733 pentium, I think a "Riva tnt" card thingy.

How about a Karakoe "out", could I use that too?

Thanks for any advise and help.
Of course you can. I wont garantee a perfect sound though. You can do anything you want with the line in on your computer. just try some stuff out, theres like a 1/1000 chance you could blow up anything if you start the volume levels all the way down bring them up as needed.
So would it be better to just use the mixer?
The reason for the amp and Karaoke was for the "reverb".

Also, I can see that I missed the "Beginners" thread, so probably thats where this should have been.
Thanks for the reply.
yes, that's where your thread should have been.
No, you cannot blow up your comp with a recording out on a guitar amp. it ll sound like shit though.

greetz guhlenn:)