computer question (but totally the wrong forum...)


New member
i don't know where else to ask this, but this is where the smart ones hang out so here goes.

i own an MP3 player thats not an IPod - its an IRiver, which except in this particular instance are much more convenient than IPods. I ripped a couple of CD's into MP3 with ITunes and want to put them on my IRiver, but ITunes locks/protects these files. On my old PC i just would've used windows media player to rip my CD"s now. Any ideas?

also, i want to get my Itunes files onto my iriver, but obviously apple puts itunes songs you buy in a format only itunes and ipods can read. anyone else have this problem/know a solution?
So why don't you rip with WMP, and transfer with WMP? If they are ripped from your own CDs, they shouldn't be locked. I do know that on WMP, In the Rip options, you can select to protect files you rip from your own CDs, but I'm not sure why you'd want to do this. Perhaps ITunes has an option to not lock your ripped files?
windows media player for Mac is only a player, it won't rip files. i've looked and searched through every option in itunes, i think its a thing they did deliberately designed to punish people without ipods
Oh, you're on a MAC, sorry to hear that :)
Sorry, I'm not too familiar with what ripping software is available for MAC, but I'm sure there's something out there that can rip from a CD and generate unprotected files. Good luck and enjoy your iRiver! I just purchased a Creative Zen xTra and I'm loving it!