Computer purchase advice


New member
I am currently using a Tascam 488 to record vocal and classical guitar. I am about to get a new computer and want to also look at getting software to record with computer and burn CD's. I have about $1500 total to spend (monitor, printer, etc.). What suggestions on hardware and software can you guys give me (I'm keeping the can it be incorporated into all this)?

I will continue doing just vocal and guitar for now, but MIGHT look into a keyboard down the road.

I have already picked up from other threads that I should probably get a 2nd hard drive dedicated to the music files (and that it should have 7200 rpm, probably 30 gig minimum). Another thread made the point that for some types of software you need an ASUS motherboard, 1.4 mHz. Your ideas and suggestions are appreciated!!! The teacher needs some advice! :)

How much do you know about computers? What I mean is could you build one on your own, or do you know anyone that could help you build one? It's really the best way to go and you can save a lot of money. With regards to hardware, different recording systems have diff problems.

I have had many diff asus boards and I think i'll always try to stick with them. They are very dependable and very fast. The best systems IMHO would probably be the athlon ones. P3's only go up to 1000 mhz and most of the technology in the p4 isn't supported so you don't get much extra. An athlon system **ESPECIALLY** with DDR ram instead of SDRam will give you amazing results. The digidesign BBS has some results of performance (from users not digi design) of different systems (motherboards, cpu's ram hard drives etc) might check that out

Are you going to use a regular sound blaster card or something made for music? IF you're getting something made for music, check the requirements and follow them word for word.
Case/300 watt power supply $50
K7 mobo and Athalon 1.2 Ghz $155
Plextor 16/10/40 CDRW $179
56X CD $30
512 mb PC133 $65
Maxtor 40gb 7200rpm $114
ATI Expert Pro AGP 32mb $47
KDS 17" $139
Floppy $12
Mouse & Keyboard $20
M-Audio Omni Studio or Hoontech C-Port $400

Hey look! You still have $300 left over for Windows and a couple mics!

I didn't really shop these prices very hard. You can probably do better on some items.
a great place for prices is It's a market place of A LOT of computer shops, so they all compete.

That last system was pretty cool, but I'd reconsider the ram...ddr ram is 266 instead of 133 and it makes a big difference. To get that ram you probably need a diff mb.

Good luck.
Thanks for the words of wisdom. Yes, I checked out the "Roll Your Own". With my schedule these days, I honestly don't think I've got the TIME (or knowledge) to mess with all the planning, ordering, assembling, etc. to build my own. I'm at the stage of life where it's almost better to know what you want and just order it that way. I've got some friends I could call on, but I know it can be a job to get everything working right and I don't want to impose on them that much!

The system getuhgrip recommended does sound pretty awesome! I agree Executivos about more'll never regret having too much!!

Guess I'll do more research on sound cards and then get my order in. Thanks again for the advice!!
Teach, at least take a peek at the Tiger Direct site. I believe you can configure a system from menus and get immediate price updates. I haven't looked much lately but I'm sure there's many sites offering "bare bones" systems that allow you to add or delete components. Research is the key. Not buying something you don't want or need is the goal.

Good luck and welcome to the site. :cool:
actuallly i wasn't talking about more ram. I was talking about faster ram. There's sdram...syncronous dynamic's like the standard pc133 or whatever.. Then there's DDR...I beleive it stands for double data rate??? Anyway it uses a faster clock speed. It's not much more expensive and gets a lot of only works with athlon chips as far as I know.