computer or keyboard


New member
if i want to create all sorts of crazy sounds and effects and manipulate them in every way possible. Can I do it with having a simple midi keyboard and a computer with virtual synths and sequencing progams

or do i need a super keyboard like something near a triton or a motif

i need to be ale to make any sound i could think of using effects or filters or what ever.. i will be using multytracking software and will be making techno and industrial rock

i would also be interested in keymapping different sound and samples and i don't know how i would go about doing that ?
any info would be appreciated thanks!
You could do all that with your computer. And there are all kinds of controller options. Check out doepfer.
But... Real synths are preferrable for most. At least one. A synth with lots of knobs, such as the ms2000 makes a better controller than most controllers do IMO. And they sound better for the most part. So I would reccomend a combination of the two, and for your style of music you don't necessarily need a workkstation synth as much as virtual analog synths. For the money you can't beat an MS2000. And for software check out native instruments pro53, absynth, and fm7...
so i could get by with just having a average midi keyboard as long as i have good virtual synths. and thanks for your response
wow i just looked at the ms2000 and it looks awesome and the ms2000r looks even better but the picture i saw of the ms2000r was a bit cut off ,so is it a keyboard also because i couldnt see that part