Compressor tutorial or FAQ, esp re drums?


New member
What are your favorite compressor tutorials or FAQ's? I found this one with sample settings:

I'm trying to get drum sounds to be a bit more even dynamically without turning to mush, in particular the kick drum. A quick search here and on google suggests tweaking the attack time. How do you apply compression to recorded drums?

And, for multiband compressors on a stereo mix, what are your rules of thumb or starting points, and what are you listening for as you tweak the settings?
If you do a search there's actually a compression tutorial on this site. I think maybe SouthSide Glen was the one who wrote it, either way just do a search it's around.
jonnyc said:
If you do a search there's actually a compression tutorial on this site. I think maybe SouthSide Glen was the one who wrote it, either way just do a search it's around.

the link is in his sig.
Highly recomended. Theres also some good ones at the sos archive.

:D :D
:D :D :D